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Ileal Augmentation Cystoplasty
Hand-sewn bowel anastomosis
Ileal-ileal end-to-end bowel anastomosis done in 2 layers. Filmed straight through with no edits. 20 minute procedure at 5x = 4 minute video
Repair of Pelvic Fracture Urethral Injury
Posterior urethroplasty performed by Dr. Elliott as a visiting surgeon at the Kulkarni Center in Pune, India
Posterior urethroplasty for radiation injury
End-to-end urethroplasty and gracilis wrap around the anastomosis
Hand-assisted Laparoscopic Right Colon Mobilization for CCIC
Continent cutaneous ileal channel cecocystoplasty performed with minimally-invasive approach.
Robotic Bladder Neck AUS
Robotic bladder neck artificial urinary sphincter placement in a man with spinal cord injury
Excision and Primary Anastomosis Urethroplasty
Although we now perform most urethroplasties with non-transecting approach, this demonstrates an approach we still use for straddle injury with urethral disruption
Dorsal Buccal Graft Urethroplasty
Anterior urethroplasty in bulbar urethra using a one-sided dissection and dorsal onlay of buccal mucosa graft.
Perineal Urethrostomy
For a long penile stricture after failed hypospadias repair. Midline incision. Detailed description of steps including illustrations to aid in understanding of finer points.
30-min AUS
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Percutaneous Cystolithotomy
Percutaneous stone removal in the augmented bladder with a Mitrofanoff and closed bladder neck. This technique avoids damage to the Mitrofanoff and the morbidity of open stone removal.
Robotic Repair of Bladder Neck Disruption after Radical Prostatectomy
A short defect is repaired with a posterior "mucosectomy" to minimize dissection over the rectum.
Robotic Submucosal Cystectomy and Detrusor Myoplasty
Cystectomy technique for radiation cystitis that avoids dissection over the rectum and avoids the vascular pedicles
Robotic Pubourethral Fistula Excision
Robotic approach allows removal of the fistula from behind the pubis without removing more bone than is necessary for infection control.
Robotic Urethroplasty for Long Pelvic Fracture Urethral Injury
Robotic abdominal approach avoids the morbidity of pubectomy and corporal splitting typical of an abdominoperineal approach. When the dominant pathology is in the abdomen, it makes sense to approach it abdominally and avoid unnecessary perineal dissection and pubectomy.
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