May 4-6: multiple abstract presentations at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association
May 3: "Best Treatment of the Incontinent Patient after AUS Cuff Erosion with Salvage Radiotherapy?". Invited lecture at the Spring meeting of the Society of Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeons; San Antonio, TX
April 9-10: Visiting Professor and Surgeon at the Belgrade Center for Genital Reconstructive Surgery; Belgrade, Serbia
April 8: "Optilume for Urethral Strictures". Invited lecture at the annual meeting of the European Association of Urology; Paris, France
March 21-23: Oral Board Examiner for the American Board of Urology; Raleigh, NC
March 20: "Urinary Diversion in the Hostile Abdomen". Invited lecture at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association; Austin, TX
March 1: YouTube Release: "Challenges in Non-Continent Diversion"
February 1: Website page addition: "Pubo-urethral Fistula: Diagnosis" and "Pubo-urethral Fistula: Surgery"
January 29: Publication: "Proposed Revision of the American Assosication for Surgery of Trauma Renal Trauma Organ Injury Scale: Secondary Analysis of the Multi-Institutional Genitourinary Trauma Study"
January 27: YouTube Release: "Percutaneous Cystolithotomy"
January 20: YouTube Release: "Mitrofanoff Revision/Fix"
January 3: YouTube Release: "Self-Catheterizing a Mitrofanoff as a Quadraplegic"
December 20: Publication: "Bladder Management is the Top health Concern Among Adults with a Spinal Cord Injury"
October 21: YouTube Release: "Mitrofanoff: What, Why, How?"
October 15-16: Visiting Professor and Surgeon at the Belgrade Center for Genital Reconstructive Surgery; Belgrade, Serbia
October 13: "ROBUST III 3-year Results of a Randomized Trial of a Drug-coated Balloon for Urethral Strictures". Abstract poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of International Urology; Istanbul, Turkey.
Spetember 14: YouTube Release: "Bladder Augmentation: What, Why, How"
September 10: Elected President-Elect of the Society of Genitourinary Recosntriuctive Surgeons
September 9-10: "My Worst Complications" Moderator of Panel; Fall Meeting of the Society of Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeons; Seattle, Washington
August 14: YouTube Release: "Perineal Urethrostomy"
July 21: YouTube Release: "AUS (Artificial Urinary Sphincter): How it Works"
July 1: Website Launch:
June 8-10: Visiting Professor at University of Washington; Seattle, Washington. Hirschler Invited Lecture: "Urinary Diversion for Neurogenic Bladder: The Impact of Neurologic Phenotypes"