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Upper Midwest
Dr. Sean Elliott's primary practice is at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota (MN). Dr. Elliott also runs a clinic for adults with spina bifida and cerebral palsy at Gillette Lifetime Clinic in Saint Paul, MN. Dr. Elliott is licensed in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin. So, if you live in one of these states, he is able to see you by video visit direct to your home.
Click on one of the boxes below based on whether you prefer to be seen at the Gillette specialty clinic for cerebral palsy and spina bifida or whether you prefer to be seen at the Univeristy of Minnesota clinic. If you have neurogenic bladder due to cerebral palsy and spina bifida then your care will be streamlined best if you are seen through Gillette. If you have any other reconstructive urology need then you will be seen through the University of Minnesota.
Clicking on these boxes will take you to the websites of these institutions. You will be asked to complete a form and then someone will call you to schedule the appointment. When they call you, please be sure to alert them that you want to see Dr. Elliott and whether you prefer an in-person appointment or virtual appointment.